Noelia Juarez
I was an HSP and Sociology double major. As an undergrad, I had the opportunity to
participate in research and present my findings at the Undergraduate Research Symposium
as well as the College of Social & Behavioral Science Student Research Day. I was
even able to publish my research in an academic journal! This was extremely important
to me as I wrapped up my undergrad career at the U.
My goal is to become a physician assistant. Being an HSP major with this career goal is advantageous in that I learned about the social aspects of health and health policy, and what it means for different populations. As a future clinician, it is important to have a solid grasp on this area of health.
I chose Health, Society & Policy as a major because it encompasses many aspects of health and society. I was able to study health policies, health disparities, and cultural competencies. HSP as a major gave me the opportunity to study these important topics, and assisted me in learning more about health in order to become a well-rounded clinician in the future.