Mili Langi
I am a second-generation Tongan-American who grew up in worlds at odds: the serene
beaches of Hawaii and the secure mountains of Utah. The dichotomy of having one foot
on land (America) and one on Sea (Islands) is reflective of my personal and academic
journey. The pull of Sea binds me to my Tongan heritage, a way of life centered on
caring for family and community through the ebbs and flows of life. The pull of Land
dares me to fly to greater heights, to fulfill the American Dream through hard work
and ingenuity.
Pursuing a degree in Health, Society & Policy helped form the bridge between these two spheres. My undergraduate coursework in Health, Society & Policy helped empower me to administer medicine with greater insight and sensitivity in our increasingly diverse and complex community. My desire to decrease health disparities as a physician may arise from witnessing the enervated resignation of family members with chronic illnesses due to language barriers, unfamiliarity and/or intimidation of the health care system, financial woes, inadequate education and even poor lifestyle habits. I am extremely grateful for the generosity of those that have supported my education as I work towards aligning the two spheres of Land and Sea, in building a healthier, happier community.