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kelsie lewis

Kelsie LewisMy academic journey at the University of Utah can best be described as efficiently indecisive. After declaring majors in the College of Engineering, Nursing, and Humanities, I eventually found my home in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. I studied Health, Society & Policy; Sociology, and Criminology. For the first time, I became fully confident that the path I took to get where I am now is the one that allows me to reach my full potential.

Health, Society & Policy was the stepping stone that allowed me to realize my passions. Because of the interdisciplinary curriculum, I was able to explore health from varying perspectives. Thanks to HSP, I am now admitted to graduate school with the intention of studying the intersection between health and criminology. My dream is to become a person of trust for victims and survivors of sexual assault

Last Updated: 3/31/21