Jordan Scarr
I am a Health, Society & Policy and Sociology double major. I’ve been fortunate enough
to serve as a Bennion Center program director with The Road Home and Primary Children’s
Medical Center, working with underserved populations in Utah and exploring various
careers in health. I was also an intern with the Utah Health Policy Project, planning
a festival to promote UHPP and help more underserved Utahns get medical insurance.
I am hoping to continue on to pursue a master’s degree in Public Health. I want to be an epidemiologist someday, and work in various public health sectors throughout the world. By getting a well rounded application of health, I feel much more prepared to enter this field of study and work. Being an HSP major gave me real life skills, knowledge of various policies in place, experience working with many different populations, and health knowledge that will help me succeed.
I chose the HSP major at the U because it is very flexible and well-rounded. I had the opportunity to cater my education to my interests, while still taking classes across a broad spectrum. The HSP program set me up for a successful future, in many various careers.