Throughout my Honors Health, Society & Policy degree; I was able to pursue my passion
for community engagement and population health while honing my skills in research,
program management, and capacity building. As I began my Honors HSP degree, I began
to get involved in programs like Connect2Health, Hotspotting and the Bennion Center
which led me to my passion of infusing community into public health and medicine.
Through Connect2Health I was able to lead a clinical team of 14 volunteers to address
the social needs of low SES families to improve their health status. I continued to
work in the social determinants of health with Hotspotting, where I was able to build
infrastructure and overcome language barriers for following teams to address the high
utilization of vulnerable populations. With the many programs in the Bennion Center
I was able to make meaningful impact in the community by creating the Utah AIDS Foundation
program, leading multiple alternative breaks focusing on HIV and Community Health
as well as build capacity by managing the 8 Health & Ability programs. As I entered
the final years of my degree I began working on my Honors Thesis looking at refugee
health care utilization and Housing First, interning in Communicable Disease at the
Utah Department of Health and then community outreach at the Utah AIDS Foundation.
Through all of these experiences I have been able to work in the crevasses of the
community that often are overlooked. As I finished my undergraduate career I joined
the Kirchhoff Team in the department of Cancer Control and Population Science at Huntsman
Cancer Institute working on studies focused on young adult cancer and integration
of new technology into social support. I became the Associate Director and Co-Founder
of Bags to Beds a local organization aiming to increase sustainability and provide
a resource to the homeless and a Bennion Center Fellow being sent off to work with
the San Francisco AIDS Foundation in Hep C counseling and syringe services. I am currently
pursuing a Master of Science in Public Health at the University of Utah holding graduate
assistant and graduate research assistant positions with Connect2Health and Huntsman
Cancer Institute respectively. As I move forward to my next degree I plan to continue
to research and work in the social determinants of health, queer health and community
engagement-based medicine.